### Trigon Furniture Privacy and Cookie Policy

Trigon Furniture has created this policy to provide better performance, reliability, and transparency to users visiting the trigonliving.com website.
At Trigon Furniture, we use internet cookies to enhance user experience, speed up operational activities, and develop uninterrupted service.
For information on enabling or disabling cookies, and for more technical details, please review the “Google Cookie Policy.”

Trigon Furniture stores cookies from users visiting trigonliving.com, visitors creating membership accounts, and individuals placing orders within its hosting environment.
You can access the KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law) disclosure form, user terms, and more on trigonliving.com. You may print these documents for later written review.

**What are Cookies? For What Purposes Does Trigon Furniture Use Them?**

Cookies, considered as users’ fingerprints on the internet, are created by search engines and your browser every time you visit a site. Your cookies on Trigon Furniture are recorded anonymously without including your private personal data.
At Trigon Furniture, we use cookies to offer a more user-friendly and faster site to visitors, providing special promotions/discounts to users through the use of cookies. Trigon Furniture uses cookies to offer promotions to visitors and complies with all regulations under the KVKK.
The main purposes for which Trigon Furniture uses cookies are as follows:

1. **Enhancing the website infrastructure of Trigon Furniture and collecting technical data.**
2. **Analyzing users visiting the Trigon Furniture site and collecting data on user behaviors.**
3. **Collecting information in accordance with Trigon Furniture’s legal obligations.**

**How Does Trigon Furniture Process Users’ Cookies?**

At Trigon Furniture, we use technical tools (such as Google Analytics), user data analyses, product interest analyses, website click habits, and similar data to process the information of users visiting our website.
Trigon Furniture collects and processes information encompassing all user navigation within its sales channels.

**Which Cookies Does Trigon Furniture Use?**

**Mandatory Cookies:** These cookies are essential to operate a functional, stable website and protect against fraud. We always use these cookies.

**Functionality Cookies:** We use these cookies to enhance user experience, improve design, generate sales reports, analyze user data, and make the website more understandable.

**Targeting/Advertising Cookies:** We use these cookies to offer promotions, advertisements, and deals to users visiting the Trigon Furniture website. Users can disable these cookies if desired. Disabling targeting/advertising cookies does not harm or disrupt the stable performance of Trigon Furniture. However, we will not be able to offer special promotions to users in this case.

**Persistent Cookies:** We use persistent cookies to measure user behaviors within the site. These cookies remain until the user modifies their browser settings on their computer/phone/tablet.

**Session Cookies:** We use session cookies to distinguish between different visits to Trigon Furniture. These cookies only collect data while the web page is open and are used to store the data of actions performed on the site.

You can change the types of cookies you allow Trigon Furniture to use through your browser settings. For any inquiries related to our cookie policy, please contact us at info@trigonliving.com.